Event Tech Lab has secured stage-time at IMEX in Las Vegas in October and also at ibtm World, Barcelona in November to present our stable of start-ups. Both events are a great opportunities to promote event tech to an international audience.
Opportunity 1: IMEX Las Vegas, 13 – 15 October.
Event Tech Lab will be running daily sessions on the freshest new event tech available – that’s you! As this is a short session, you will not be able to present in person. If you would like your products to be included we will need you to forward us a few slides accompanied by some screen shots or a short 2 minute video we can play.
Please email me if you would like to take part and we can then discuss how you want to represent your company. The deadline for letting me know is 4th September.
Opportunity 2: ibtm World Barcelona, 17-19 November.
Event Tech Lab is hosting a one-hour session on event technology.
For this session we would like to you either pitch in person or beam in via Google Hangouts. I will be on stage talking about event tech and be using your company to illustrate an element of how technology can be used to enhance an event.
Pitches will last for 5 minutes. If you would like to participate, again please let me know by 4th September.